Important information about health matters, health statistics and health current affairs from the National Institute of Health


More folks are learning about the All of Us Program and the potential benefits of the campaign. Pastor Robert Maxie of Liberty Church of Baton Rouge hosted Dr. Deirdre Barfield, senior medical director of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana for an indepth talk about the campaign on Liberty BR Podcast. 


Erica Campbell of the Get Up Morning Show got involved with the All of Us Campaign to help spread the word about why it’s important for more African American people to get involved in research studies. According to statistics, 40% of people in the United States identify as people of color yet the data from medical research is mostly 80%-90% white. 


Legendary radio host Tom Joyner has teamed up with the National Institutes of Health’s “All of Us,” campaign to help spread awareness about the importance of more African American participation in health research studies


Many African Americans remain hesitant to participate in medical research. Why?


In an interview with Julia Moore Vogel, director of All of Us Research Program, Angie Ange gets a better scope of why diversity in research studies are important, talks about her own journey with the program, and breaks down the concept of predisposition and how that can affect the potential for certain hereditary conditions.


One problem I know we can solve? Our representation in medical research. Black Americans and Latinos makeup 30% of the U.S. population but account for less than 10% of participants in genetic studies.


The campaign looks to collect data from all groups of people so researchers can actively study why certain people are affected differently by different health conditions, and find personalized treatments to greatly improve health outcomes.


The All of Us Research Program is the largest most diverse health resource of its kind and is representing all of those groups who have been left out of research in the past (POC, seniors, people living in rural areas, those with low income, LGBTQ, etc).