Coretta Scott King’s birthday is a chance to revisit her legacy as a steward of peace and justice.

Good News

The National Civil Rights Museum will bestow Michelle Obama with the prestigious Freedom Award.


The Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington for a Digital Justice Gathering invites people to log on to the internet and demand justice for low-income and otherwise disenfranchised people in America.


King argued for a national guaranteed income that would keep people out of poverty. Fifty years later, the Poor People's Campaign still resonates.

Rev. William Barber and other moral leaders are spearheading a multiracial Poor People's Campaign, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1968 initiative, to kick off in 2018.

North Carolina NAACP leader Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II to step down from his post to lead a new moral movement modeled after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Poor People's Campaign.