Black News

NewsOne brings you in-depth reporting and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, including politics, social justice, entertainment, and more. With exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and up-to-the-minute coverage, we are your go-to source for breaking news and informed perspectives from the Black community.

The latest installment in NewsOne's special series on Black child suicide considers the impact on our boys and how to help them.

North Las Vegas Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown announced the city is hosting a Black-owned business fair and white people are mad.

Let's delve into some fascinating New Year's superstitions as we head into a prosperous and successful 2024.

These good luck traditions are generational.

Here are a few topics to discuss during Thanksgiving that won't stir the pot and are super important to the black family.

Black News

Colorado's football coach shared his opinion.

The National Reparations Convention began this weekend without the ADOS Foundation's CEO, a scheduled panelist who said she had been "disinvited."

Unlike other groups, the Black unemployment rate grew last month.

HBCUs have been rallying around one of their own in support and showing unity following a mass shooting on Morgan State University's campus in Baltimore.

Decades after founding Radio One, Cathy Hughes has led the company now named Urban One to reach more than 80% of Black U.S. households.

Steve Biko’s slogan “Black Is Beautiful” still resonates 46 years after the anti-apartheid icon was murdered by South African police on Sept. 12, 1977. Here are several other of his timeless quotes.

The term "box braids" joins other notable Black terms after included it among thousands of its new, updated and revised words.