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Conservative talk show host and gubernatorial recall candidate Larry Elder (C) walks along streets lined with tents of unhoused people, in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, September 8, 2021, ahead of the special recall election. | Source: ROBYN BECK / Getty

In today’s episode of It Always Rains Eggs On Larry Elder In Southern California, the live-from-the-sunken-place talk show hostwho, for reasons I will never understand, is the frontrunner among 46 candidates running to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom if Californians vote to recall him next week—was on the campaign trail in Venice Wednesday, but he had to cut his tour short after the crowd at a homeless encampment grew angry and one woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at him.

The egg narrowly missed Elder’s head because…guys, if you’re going to do something like this, you need to understand the importance of not having your vision restricted and a full-on gorilla mask just ain’t the way.

Anyway, according to ABC 7, the egg-chucking spectacle was only a sample of the hostility people in the crowd showed Elder as he toured the homeless encampment, which he presumably did because California’s homeless crisis is among the main reasons there’s a vote on whether to recall Newsom on Sept. 14 in the first place.

Video taken from the scene shows Elder being led away by security as crowd members shouted things like “Get that sorry piece of s*** out of here.”

Elder later tweeted that someone had fired a pellet gun at his security detail and police confirmed they were looking into it as his driver and another security guard were struck but not seriously injured, ABC reported.

So, why all the hostility towards Elder?

Well, maybe it’s because he’s been on the campaign trail lying his misinformation-spreading head off, even going as far as to join the parade of “stop the steal” propagandists like Donald Trump and Tammi Larangitus (that’s her name, right?) in claiming that if Newsom isn’t recalled next week, it will only be because of voter fraud.

“I believe that there might very well be shenanigans, as it were in the 2020 election,” Elder said, according to USA Today.

Or maybe the hatred toward Elder is due to him recently sitting down with fellow House-Negroes-R-Us leader Candace Owens and actually coming out the side of his whitey-humping face to argue that slave owners are also owed reparations because their “property was taken away after the end of the Civil War.”

Imagine being a Black person who is so dedicated to upholding white supremacy that you find yourself arguing to pay coins to the descendants of your ancestors’ captures.

Seriously, how is this guy the frontrunner of anything but the chair for the Blacky-Lackeys for White Nationalism Committee?

Y’all really want this fool in charge, California?


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