During an appearance on the Higher Learning podcast, Larry Elder was asked but couldn't answer what he does to combat "fatherlessness" after claiming it holds back Black people.


Jason Whitlock interviewed Larry Elder about being left out of the first GOP debate, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, almost like a Black conservative delusion Verzus battle.


He said "the rules of the game were rigged." Sound familiar?

Even when Larry Elder is right, he's right for the wrong reason. 

Republican California gubernatorial recall candidate Larry Elder lost his bid to replace Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom as voters decided against a right-wing extremist who has repeatedly been described as a Black white supremacist.

After realizing there is likely no realistic path to victory in the California gubernatorial recall election, conservative and right-wing political operatives have appeared to embrace a familiar tactic of pushing the unproven allegations of voter fraud.


Conservative supporters of Larry Elder, a Black Republican running in California's gubernatorial recall election, want "hate crime" charges for a white woman who threw eggs at him while wearing a gorilla mask. They claim it's racist.

Over a year before the 2022 general election, the California recall election is generating much attention.  What started off as a long-shot frustration before the pandemic turned into a referendum on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s handling of various issues.  


Larry Elder was touring a homeless encampment in Venice, California, while campaigning to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom if he's recalled in the Sept. 14 election. The crowd was hostile towards him and one woman threw an egg at him.

Larry Elder, the often-controversial Black conservative politician from California, gave a hot take on the idea of reparations during a guest appearance on 'The Candace Owens Show' where he argued that slave owners could also be compensated due to their "property being taken away" after the Civil War.

Larry Elder, the Black, conservative radio talk show host-turned Republican running for political office in California, finds himself beset by confirmed allegations that he lied about his finances when declaring his candidacy.


As difficult as you would assume it could be to find a Black Donald Sterling apologist, one pops up from his or her coon hole and tells a national television audience that the man who doesn’t want Magic Johnson showing up at his game with his dime piece was given a raw deal. Conservative political […]