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The annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors may have ended Monday, but the political power of Black women was showing absolutely no signs of letting up.

As proof, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms posted one of the most iconic images to come out of the conference, which was held in Boston. The photo tweeted from Bottoms’ Twitter account showed her surrounded by, from left, Louisiana state Sen. Karen Carter Peterson; New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell; Tacoma, Washington, Mayor Victoria Woodards; and Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome.

“It is a blessing to be surrounded by such a powerful Sister Circle,” Bottoms tweeted Sunday, while seemingly using an off-hand reference to TV One’s daily morning show of the same name. “I am proud that cities across the country are in the hands of these great women. Black girl magic is real!”

She wasn’t lying about that last part.

As midterm primaries wind down and campaigns move closer to Election Day in November, there were more than 600 Black women seeking public office this year, according to the Black Women In Politics online database.

That number included Stacey Abrams, who just won her primary contest late last month to advance to the general election for a very realistic chance of becoming Georgia’s first Black female governor.

Black women have been riding political momentum across the country recently, including happily accepting responsibility for preventing an accused child molester who was endorsed by the president from winning a U.S. senate seat in Alabama.

Still, Black female candidates, who are overwhelmingly Democrats, have been all but snubbed by their political party. For example, just one out of the 43 Black women running for U.S. House seats has been endorsed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. In spite of that, Black women have still won historic primaries this year, such as Deidre DeJear, who become the first Black woman to win a major party nomination for statewide office in her quest to be secretary of state in Iowa.

Black women represent about 7 percent of the U.S. population but hold fewer than 1 percent of statewide elected offices, 3.5 percent of state legislative seats and 2 percent of mayoral offices in cities with more than 30,000 residents, according to Higher Heights for America. But if that “Black girl magic” that Bottoms tweeted about has any say, all of that will change in November.


Look At All This #BlackGirlMagic At The Power Rising Summit

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