
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Montel Williams said he doubts that the Army cadets and a Navy midshipman shown on live national TV flashing the white power hand sign were, well, flashing the white power hand signal.

It goes to show that you can't escape racism, even on vacation.


You could be forgiven if you thought you saw a gang sign, since it sort of is.

Two unidentified students confessed to drawing swastikas and “White Power” on cars at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. According to WoodTV, the incident happened Sunday evening and the words were drawn on six snow-covered cars on campus. Calvin College President Michael Le Roy alerted students of the incident the following day, calling it a […]

Residents from Lyndhurst, New Jersey were appalled to find recruitment letters from the Ku Klux Klan sprawled throughout their small town last weekend, the New York Daily News reports.


Supporters of Donald “Build a Wall” Trump screamed “White Power” at a campaign rally at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Ala., according to various news reports. In true one-percenter fashion, Trump’s Boeing 757 jet — with T-RU-M-P adorning the side — dipped over the stadium to raucous cheers before landing at a nearby airport. Once “The Donald” […]

I’ve read quite a few intellectually dishonest articles in my day, but never one so blatant in its intent than that of  The New Republic’s John McWhorter’s piece, “A Hip-Hop Enthusiast in Defense of White Power Music.” RELATED: Wisconsin Shooter Was White Supremacist The article begins as follows: “It has been fashionable in the wake of Wade […]