White people will never admit their "anti-white" narrative is actually just their white inauthentic tearsy response to pro-Black and pro-POC activism and the denial that anti-Black racism isn't real, despite all the data that indicates it' is and there being no data to support the existence of anti-white racism.

Christopher Rufo, an ally of Ron DeSantis, was entertaining the idea of standing on the side of white power “in order to destroy the power of the left."


This midterm election cycle has revealed the potency of conspiracy theories that prop up narratives of victimhood and messages of hate across the complex American landscape of white nationalism.

Race Matters

White nationalist Nick Fuentes posted a video calling for a "white uprising," an end to Congress and predicting Donald Trump will win the 2022 election.


Service members’ involvement on Jan. 6, 2021, has made the spread of extremism – particularly white nationalism – a significant issue for the U.S. military.


18-year-old Richard Tobin was reportedly "enraged" at Black people around him and planned to kill them with a machete.

Candace Owens brought her revisionist take on history with her when she testified before Congress on Tuesday about white nationalism and hate speech.


In the past decade, the language of white supremacists has crossed national borders, broadened its focus and has been influenced by current mainstream political discourse.


The hashtag "WhiteNationalistProblems" was a top trending topic on Twitter as people mocked Tucker Carlson's racist comments calling white supremacy a "hoax."

The reigning queen of anti-Blackness got shamed with her own words.

Candace Owens, the woman who said Hitler just wanted to "make Germany great," was scheduled to testify at a congressional hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism.

Several suspected white supremacists have been outed after the right-wing extremist attack in New Zealand.