
When white writers don blackface...

The state's three public universities are closing their DEI offices.

Race Matters

Recognizing the link between white anxiety and racial violence is a first step in addressing the scourge of racist mass shootings like the recent killings in Jacksonville, Florida.


White men face minimal charges for allegedly leaving Michelle Folson with a brain injury.

If Tucker Carlson isn't racist, he sure as hell plays one on TV. This time, he complained about the number of Black women President Joe Biden selected to be federal judges.

A white college professor claims recruiting "underrepresented" racial groups for faculty hurts white men.

They are on video racially profiling a 16-year-old in the town where Trayvon Martin was killed.

Race Matters

Imagine being this eager to be a lap dog for white supremacy.

Anthony Quinn Warner, the Nashville Christmas bomber, and Duke Webb, accused Illinois bowling alley murderer, are not being discussed in terms of white domestic terrorism. Why not?


Viral videos show that gender doesn't matter when it comes to racial profiling.


The suspect in a deadly mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday was widely identified on the internet as a young white man whose social media activity showed support and sympathy for the president's apparent white nationalist agenda.

The alleged shooter targeted white men between the ages of 54 and 67.