
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.


AMC is developing a drama series based on Wesley Lowery’s 'They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice.'

Crime, Cross Post Now, Nation, Police Brutality

In what Washington Post’s executive editor called “outrageous,” two journalists who traveled to Ferguson, Mo. at the height of protests last year to report have been charged with trespassing and interfering with a police officer’s performance, according to The Huffington Post. The reporters — Ryan Reilly of the Huffington Post and Wesley Lowery of the Washington […]

Cross Post Now, NewsOne Now

Texas elementary school teacher Karen Fitzgibbons took to Facebook to complain about police officer Eric Casebolt’s resignation following his actions during the infamous McKinney pool party where bikini-clad 15-year-old Dajerria Becton was thrown to the ground and brutalized. Her Facebook post read as follows: “This makes me ANGRY! This officer should not have to resign. I’m going […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

On Thursday, “Washington Post’s” Wesley Lowery shared the harrowing details of his arrest in Ferguson Mo. with Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” panel. Lowery was detained after Ferguson police officers ruffed him up in a local area McDonald’s claiming he was resisting arrest. Listen to all of the disturbing details of his arrest and […]

NewsOne Now

Conservative Republicans and Tea Party members are calling for President Obama to be impeached? Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now,” Lauren Victoria Burke, Francesca Chambers and Wesley Lowery discuss how some Republicans are trying to discredit President Obama in the final two years in office. <strong>Be sure to <a href=”; target=”_blank”>listen</a> to “NewsOne Now” with […]