
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

The widening Mississippi welfare scandal spotlights the state's food stamp recipients.

Since the Ronald Reagan era, Black people in general, but Black women, in particular, have been synonymous with public assistance. Many have even been labeled “welfare queens.” Despite the data showing how white people make up the majority of welfare recipients, the African American community still has to deal with the stereotype that most Black […]


Ben Carson's proposed changes to a decades-old housing program supporting the poorest Americans would jack up rents and deepen poverty in the US.

West Virginia's governor signed into law a controversial bill to drug test people on welfare. Opponents say it's a waste of money, unfair and probably unconstitutional.


Wisconsin lawmakers want to screen public aid recipients for use of illegal drugs and block their purchase of junk food under measures passed Wednesday by the State Assembly, according to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. But the Republican-sponsored measures face an uncertain future, the newspaper writes, because they still must wend their way through the Senate, […]


The upcoming Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao matchup is being dubbed the “fight of the century,” and boxing fans are making sure they’ll be there to witness history. Tickets to the fight, which were released at 3:00 p.m. on the Ticketmaster and MGM websites yesterday, were sold out within 30 seconds. “I’m sure people were lined up […]


In a sweeping welfare reform measure designed to teach recipients to spend responsibly, Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback on Thursday signed a law that bans recipients from using the funds at swimming pools and movie theaters, according to various media reports. The measure, believed to be the most stringent in the country, involves the Temporary Assistance […]

Not that cable news culture and George W. Bush‘s political career aren’t strong enough indicators of this factoid, but I can always count on a poll to convey just how information-challenged many Americans are. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh, though in instances like these all I can do is get angry. According to an […]

Rock star and noted conspiracy theorist Ted Nugent (pictured) predicated that if President Barack Obama won re-election, he would either be dead or in jail. Thus far, he’s not asking anyone to see him at the crossroads. Instead, he’s continued to do what he’s always done: Offer grossly inaccurate assessments of political issues of the […]

A defunct Maryland-based board game manufacturer known for crafting satirical and anti-liberal board games in the 1980s recently became a topic on social media channels after images of its most-infamous title resurfaced via the Internet. The game, Public Assistance: Why Bother Working For A Living, was released by Hammerhead Enterprises back in 1980. The company alleged […]