
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.


Wisconsin lawmakers want to screen public aid recipients for use of illegal drugs and block their purchase of junk food under measures passed Wednesday by the State Assembly, according to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. But the Republican-sponsored measures face an uncertain future, the newspaper writes, because they still must wend their way through the Senate, […]


In a sweeping welfare reform measure designed to teach recipients to spend responsibly, Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback on Thursday signed a law that bans recipients from using the funds at swimming pools and movie theaters, according to various media reports. The measure, believed to be the most stringent in the country, involves the Temporary Assistance […]

MICHIGAN — Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill that will cut Welfare benefits to 48 months, beginning Oct. 1. As a result, families at the end of their two years will need to find employment in a state where the unemployment rate catapulted to 10.5 percent. Such measures could dramatically impact children. Read More […]