
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

March is Women’s History Month, a time to look at the many contributions women have made throughout history.  But lately, there have been a number of studies examining the lives of Black women, from their body sizes in comparison to White women to assessing that they’re more likely to get swept up in a tsunami […]

‘LIKE’ NewsOne’s FB Page To Stay Up On Black News From Around The World This past week, we saw the reenactment of the Selma to Montgomery march. Singer-actor Tyrese joined the march, and made an interesting comment. He challenged all of his celebrity friends by saying, “Why don’t y’all jump on y’all private planes, […]

ROLAND MARTIN TO ANCHOR SPECIAL WEB EDITION OF TV ONE’S WASHINGTON WATCH ON SUPER TUESDAY, MARCH 6, FROM WASHINGTON, D.C.’S HOWARD UNIVERSITY February 29, 2012 – WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Tuesday, March 6, TV One Cable Network’s chief political editor Roland S. Martin will host a special Super Tuesday edition of his news show,Washington Watch with […]

Let’s talk about the serious subject of HIV/AIDS in our community, and especially what is happening on HBCU campuses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, college students account for about 55 percent of all HIV infections among those ages 13 to 24. Phill Wilson, founder and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute; […]

Comedians Chris Spancer, Sinbad and Buddy Lewis joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch for the second part of the Hollywood Edition’s comedians panel.

If you watch awards shows, you’ve noticed that there’s not a whole lot of African-Americans winning awards for our work behind the scenes. That’s because our numbers behind the scenes are a little sparse. Actor-producer-director Robert Townsend; actor-producer-director Bill Duke; and writer-director Gina Prince-Bythewood joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch to talk about how to […]

Across the country, more and more schools faced with budget cuts and an increased focus on educational outcomes have pushed arts education to the background — in fact, off the agenda. Far too many schools don’t have arts programs at all. Debbie Allen, Jackée, Dondre Whitfield and Brian White joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch […]

It’s a new media world out there, and folks are finding ways to beat the old Hollywood system. Director/producers Russ Parr, Matty Rich and Chris Spencer joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch to explain how they are doing it.

The 2012 election is in full swing, and so is the fundraising. President Barack Obama was in Los Angeles this week, raising some serious cash from his Hollywood supporters. Black Hollywood supported Obama in 2008 with money, support, endorsements, and hitting the campaign trail. Will the same be true in 2012? Louis Gossett, Jr., Academy […]

Comedians Eddie Griffin, Sinbad, and Joe Torry joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch for the comedians panel.