WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans probably won’t be seeing a huge ticker-tape parade anytime soon for troops returning from Iraq, and it’s not clear if veterans of the nine-year campaign will ever enjoy the grand, flag-waving, red-white-and-blue homecoming that the nation’s fighting men and women received after World War II and the Gulf War. RELATED: Obama […]

BAGHDAD (AP) — After nearly nine years, 4,500 American dead, 32,000 wounded and more than $800 billion, U.S. officials formally shut down the war in Iraq – a conflict that U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said was worth the price in blood and money, as it set Iraq on a path to democracy. Panetta stepped […]

FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Applauding their “extraordinary achievement,” President Barack Obama saluted returning troops Wednesday, declaring that the nearly nine-year conflict in Iraq is ending “not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home.” SEE ALSO: If Obama Loses, What Will He Do Next?

WASHINGTON — With the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq in its final days, President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki will meet at the White House Monday to discuss the next phase of the relationship between their countries. SEE ALSO: Bachmann Tells Girls Not To Ask Boys To Prom

As President Obama spoke, Violeta Sifuentes snuggled with her 6-year-old twins on the suede sofa – Samuel beside her, Selena sprawled across her legs. When the 29-year-old Army captain explained what the president meant by combat operations in Iraq being over, “Nina” let out a loud, “Woo-hoo!” then asked, “Can we go play now?”

everybody's smarter than the rest of us so there's a good chance they are.