
In an ironic twist, Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas recently complained he and his wife have been subjected to "negativity" and "lies."


His rulings reveal a broader ultraconservative agenda to roll back social and political gains.

Clarence Thomas' wife had ducked the panel.


Clarence Thomas' wife has turned down testifying at the Jan. 6 hearings.


While ex-President Donald Trump was obsessively pushing "stop the steal," Thomas was making use of her husband's status and connections by relentlessly texting now-former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and urging him to be equally relentless in stealing back a demonstrably non-stolen election.

As Rep. Anthony Weiner’s alleged crotch-shot dominates the news, information on possible motives to deface Weiner’s credibility are surfacing under the radar. And as it appears, Weinergate just might be a smear campaign executed by  conservative activists looking to defend Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. For months, Rep. Weiner has prompted Thomas to disclose the […]

As one of the keynote speakers here Friday at a state convention billed as the largest Tea Party event ever, Virginia Thomas gave the throng of more than 2,000 activists a full-throated call to arms for conservative principles.