It’s been seven years since self-proclaimed white nationalists took over Charlottesville. The trial of Jacob Dix is set to begin this week.

Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, a participant in the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, died by suicide ahead of a drug trafficking trial. Video shows he was involved in the brutal beating of a Black man during the deadly rally.

A community project awaits the go-ahead to repurpose the Lee statue.


"We have had a number of issues with effective returns in criminal trials for reasons ranging from ingrained problems in our legal system that have to do with long histories of white supremacy, to all kinds of procedural problems that have derailed justice in one way or another," University of Chicago historian Kathleen Belew said in an interview with NPR. "Civil trials are a really good tool in hitting the pocketbooks and the membership lists of white power groups." 


The white nationalist who killed a woman after he drove his car into a group of people peacefully protesting Nazis marching was on Friday found guilty of murder.

Police arrested at least four people allegedly involved in the clash between the white supremacists and anti-racism counter-protesters.