
Pinellas County school district officials announced that Toni Morrison's 'The Bluest Eye' has been pulled from school libraries.

Good News

Black literary trailblazers Toni Morrison and Ernest J. Gaines will be honored with U.S. Postal Service stamps.

Public Figures

Legendary writer Toni Morrison left her indelible mark on the literary world, so it's only right that we remember some of her famous words that she both wrote and spoke in life.

Good News

A television series inspired by Toni Morrison’s novel Sula is in the works.

Following a longstanding lawsuit that saw Toni Morrison's historic book 'The Bluest Eye' taken off shelves at libraries throughout the Missouri School District, a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union has now resulted in the book being returned to its rightful place. 

Listed are 10 popular books about the black American experience that republicans want to ban.

Race Matters

On Monday, Glenn Youngkin, the GOP's great white hope in Virginia's gubernatorial race, released a campaign ad featuring a woman who, in 2012 and 2013, embarked on a mission to get iconic, Nobel Prize-winning Black author Toni Morrison's novel Beloved removed from her son's school.

It appears that a Karen by way of Virginia Beach is hoping to ban one of Morrison's most important pieces of literature from her school district, along with works by other Black authors that deal in themes of race.

Good News

Prairie View A&M University launched a writing program inspired by literary giant Toni Morrison’s legacy.

She was the author of "The Bluest Eye," "Beloved" and "Jazz"

Good News

Princeton University has renamed a campus building in author Toni Morrison’s honor.

Toni Morrison says White fear––not anger––led to Donald Trump's victory.