
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Dallas District AttorneyJohn Creuzot was reprimanded for talking to the media.

Dallas District Attorney John Creuzot took steps to keep Judge Tammy Kemp from being involved in his upcoming contempt hearing for allegations that he violated a gag order for Amber Guyger's murder trial.


Dallas Judge Tammy Kemp offered what she said was some context to the awkward moment shared between Amber Guyger and the bailiff who was caught on camera stroking her hair after the guilty verdict was read.

Judge Tammy Kemp hugged Amber Guyger and gave her a Bible.

Joshua Brown fled to California ahead of the trial.

Brandt Jean said hugging Amber Guyger, his brother's murderer, provided him with a sense of liberation that was informed by his faith in God.

Judge Tammy Kemp did something may of us have never seen in a courtroom.

Judge Tamy Kemp was being hailed as a legal genius less than 24 hours after she was vilified for a decision in Amber Guyger's murder trial for killing Botham Jean.

Castle Law is similar to Stand Your Ground and allows you to protect yourself in your own home.

With one week of Amber Guyger’s murder trial in the books, a lot of new information has been revealed about before, during and after she killed Botham Jean in his own home.