
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

In addition to her valuable experience on the bench, Ketanji Brown Jackson previously worked as a federal public defender and would be the first Supreme Court justice in many years with experience representing criminal defendants.

At numerous points in modern history, majority opinions were inconsistent with values of equity and justice.


During a recent interview, Ben Carson played his usual role of "Black man crying white tears" by blubbering his unseasoned cries about "identity politics" because Joe Biden vowed to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court since Justice Stephen Breyer is set to retire.

Beyond being a Black woman, civil rights groups say, Biden's nominee needs to value racial equity and not be influenced by politics in order to help bring balance to the Supreme Court.

Civil rights groups condemned Trump for nominating Amy Coney Barrett to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg even though voting has already begun in the 2020 election.


Mary Elizabeth Taylor has gotten a place of national prominence after being seated behind SCOTUS hopeful and Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch during his televised confirmation hearings with the Senate Judiciary Committee.