
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Exit polling data behind Republican Glenn Youngkin's gubernatorial victory in Virginia paint a vividly pale picture as white women emerged as an electorate force to be reckoned with while Black voter turnout reportedly lagged.


A viral tweet from CNN reporter Kasie Hunt threatened to cover scorned "suburban women" -- aka white women -- who voted for Biden instead of Trump if paid family leave was left out of the Build Back Better framework. Spoiler alert: It was.


Trump’s appeals to suburban white women may spark an unintended countermobilization since half of African Americans in the U.S. live in the suburbs.

Cross Post Now

In recent days, Donald Trump has recalibrated his presidential campaign to reach out to Black voters. The GOP’s presidential nominee talked about the problems Black communities are facing and how he’s the person to fix them. The problem with Trump’s attempt to attract African-American voter support is that he’s making his appeal to Blacks in front […]