
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Stress causes disproportionate racial effects.

Being Black in America and coping with stress seems so trivial. America was built on the premise of stressing out Black folks.


There are many reasons why people find the holidays stressful – including pressure to find the perfect gift to give someone, pressure to have the perfect family gathering and financial worries. But there are a few things people can do to help them deal with the stress of the holiday season.

Marquis Jefferson's cause of death was a heart attack. But there are good odds that the 59-year-old died at least in part because of residual trauma and elevated levels of stress, according to research.


Whether it’s playing caregiver to a family member, trying to figure out how to squeeze a dollar out of the last dime or juggling the priorities of regular work-life activities, we all deal with stress. Here’s a not-so-fun fact: Stressing about all of this excess, well, stress, could wreck more than a good manicure. You […]


Researchers have discovered that relaxing in the hot bath burned 130 calories, roughly the same amount burned during a 30-minute walk.

It’s been noted that the Office of the United States President takes a toll on its occupant. We’ve seen the effects of the job on U.S. presidents past. Well, to see how one and a half administrations has impacted President Barack Obama, the folks over at BuzzFeed put together this time-lapse video that shows his transformation […]

Most people worry. It’s a fact of life that life can be stresful: money, bills, jobs, family, etc. can sometimes prevent you from relaxing and actually enjoying your life as much as you’d like to. What’s worse, all that worrying can make you sick, including disrupting healthy sleep habits, making you unable to focus, even […]

  The importance of drinking water is not surprising news – it’s something you hear over and over and over again. You know that about 2/3 of your body is water – around 60% or so, depending on your size. You’ve even heard that 6 to 8 glasses of the stuff a day should be […]

Self-esteem, very simply, is your honest opinion of yourself. Doctors say that while the topic of self-esteem and self-confidence is often explored with children, many adults underestimate the importance of boosting their own feelings of self-worth. Many factors can help shape self-confidence, which is developed in early childhood. These factors can include your family, school, […]