NewsOne Now, Politics

Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (J. Hogan Gidley, Kim Keenan and Paris Dennard) discussed the latest poll numbers, GOP attempts to bar voters from the polls and what to expect from this year’s midterm elections. With just four days left until the pivotal midterm elections, have Democrats crafted a compelling enough […]

NewsOne Now

On Wednesday, the Arkansas Supreme Court struck down the state’s voter ID law. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Bishop Council Nedd, Francesca Chambers and Paul Butler) had a spirited discussion over the decision and the use of voter ID laws that many say suppress the Black vote. Listen to their entire heated […]

NewsOne Now

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court temporarily reinstated Texas’ controversial voter ID law. As a result, more than 600,000 registered voters, mostly Black and Hispanic, may be disenfranchised and denied their right to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Daniella L’eger, Wilmer Leon and Stephanie Brown James) discuss […]

NewsOne Now

The Daily Beast’s Tim Mak joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now” to discuss Capitol Hill’s “diversity drain.” Many African American staffers and aides are leaving the public sector for the private sector, but why? Mak, Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Danielle Belton, Robert Traynhan and Chanelle Hardy) discuss what factors have caused the mass […]

NewsOne Now, Politics

Podcast: Download The midterm elections are right around the corner, are you ready to get out and vote?  Have you seen major interest in the this year’s elections in your state?  What’s happening on the ground where you are are it relates to the midterm elections? Roland Martin takes your calls during the radio portion of “NewsOne […]

NewsOne Now

Airstrikes against the Islamic terrorist group ISIS have begun in the Middle-East. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Jarvis Stewart, Joia Jefferson Nuri and Paris Dennard) discuss what this means for you and the impact this conflict may have on the midterm elections. Listen to their conversation below. Be sure to listen to “NewsOne […]

NewsOne Now

A man jumped over the fence of the White House on Friday and made it through the North Portico doors before officers stopped him. Another man tried to access the White House on Saturday. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Avis Jones-DeWeever, George Curry and Staci Johnson) discuss the latest security breach […]

NewsOne Now

“NewsOne Now” guest host Jeff Johnson and the Straight Talk panel (Lauren Victoria Burke, Hughey Newsome and Yesha Callahan)  discuss Pres. Barack Obama seeking congressional support for military action against the Islamic terrorist group ISIS. Pres. Obama has used his executive authority to begin airstrikes against ISIS but will need backing from Congress to declare war once […]

NewsOne Now

Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel discuss the Ray Rice domestic violence incident. Until the video of Ray Rice hitting his them-fiancé in the face surfaced, many did not take the domestic violence incident seriously. Now that the video is being circulated in the media, a new level of outrage has sprung up. […]

NewsOne Now

Atlanta Hawks co-owner Bruce Levenson has decided to sell his controlling interest in the team after a two year old racially charged email surfaced. Some have called the email racist, while others have dismissed it from being racially insensitive. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (Cleo Manago, Francesca Chambers and Wilmer Leon III, […]

NewsOne Now

Podcast: Download Since the sexual photo hacking scandal happened, have you deleted those risqué and explicit photos/videos from your phone? Roland Martin took your calls and received some really interesting responses about those freaky photos on your phone. The latest jobs numbers are out and despite the overall unemployment rate falling to 6.1%, unemployment for African Americans remains in […]