
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Live Well

Here’s the rub for runners: About half of you will get injured with five of the most common injuries—Achilles tendonitis, iliotibial band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee and shin splints. But you can avoid these injuries by choosing the right shoes, doing the right preparation and listening to your body. Run pain free with these […]

Live Well

A few years back, you could always find my workout buddy and I at the Taco Bell across the street after we’d kicked butt in our boot camp class. We’d just worked up a sweat, we rationalized, and surely were due a treat. We knew we were wrong as two left shoes (and so were […]

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kobe Bryant confirms he recently directed Alex Rodriguez to the German doctor who performed the treatment the Yankees’ slugger had on his right knee. SEE ALSO: Black Actresses Need Better Roles “I gave him the phone number,” Bryant said Thursday night before the Los Angeles Lakers hosted the New York Knicks. […]