
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Dream Defenders beckoned a new generation of freedom fighters who wanted to follow in the footsteps of civil rights and Black power icons, the group's public relations manager, Marjua Estevez, writes.

Civil rights lawyer and scholar Sherrilyn Ifill speaks on the ongoing fight for civil rights on "Small Doses" with Amanda Seales.

In recent years, a new cultural battleground has emerged in the U.S. called the "Woke Wars," which has pitted Americans against one another.

Good News

Nike is donating $8.9 million in grants to grassroots nonprofit organizations working to advance social justice.

A commitment to bringing King’s beloved community into fruition requires a mindset shift to transform unjust systems.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

We compiled a review of social justice stories worth revisiting or reading for the first time. Catching up on what has happened in the past can help plan for how to engage in the coming year.

Good News

Award-winning journalist and Howard University professor Stacey Patton will be honored by the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

Good News

Deloitte US is committing $1.5 billion toward advancing social equity.

Good News

The book ‘Comrade Sisters’ visually captures the unwavering resilience of women in the Black Panther Party.