
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss President Barack Obama's final State of the Union address, why Republicans are unwilling to act on voting rights legislation, and issues with minority voters.

Revoking citizenship rights for those who were born here, even if their parents aren't here legally, would hurl the U.S. back to its racist past.

Cross Post Now, NewsOne Now

The 2016 presidential campaign is about to kick into high gear. Thursday night in Cleveland, Ohio, Fox News will air the first Republican presidential candidate debates. The primetime debate at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT will feature the top ten candidates who want to capture the party’s nomination and vie for the White House […]

NewsOne Now

In recent months, a number of Republicans across the nation have shown support for criminal justice reform as a result of the millions of dollars that are being lost on locking up American citizens. Many Democrats and progressives have been long-time proponents for reforming the criminal justice system, finding fault with mandatory minimum sentencing and […]

The federal government’s authority to gather vast quantities of phone records in the hunt for terrorists expired at 12:01 a.m. Monday after Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, blocked an extension of the program during a dramatic Senate session on Sunday, reports The New York Times. By blocking the extension, Paul, also a 2016 Republican […]


Legendary blues musician B.B. King has been hospitalized after suffering from dehydration related to diabetes. King has had Type II diabetes for over two decades. Last year, the 89-year-old had to cancel eight shows due to his illness. Although he remains hospitalized, his daughter Claudette released a statement saying that he is doing “much better.” […]


The Congressional Black Caucus Thursday issued a stern rebuke of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a possible 2016 GOP presidential hopeful, for his objections to the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as U.S. attorney general, according a statement. SEE ALSO: Obama: “Slavery And Jim Crow” Was Justified By US “In The Name Of Christ” In a prepared statement, U.S. […]

NewsOne Now

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has decided to suspend Baltimore Ravens RB Ray Rice to a two-game suspension for his domestic violence arrest. Many have said the punishment was not stiff enough some have said it was a fair decision. Do you believe Goodell made the right call by suspending Rice for only two games? Republican Senator […]

NewsOne Now

Republican Senator Rand Paul has reached out to African Americans on a number of issues in an attempt to attract them to the Republican party. Last week, Sen. Paul addressed the National Urban League and has recently teamed up with Sen. Cory Booker on sentencing reform. Roland Martin talked with Ray Baker, Lauren Victoria Burke and […]