Read an exclusive except from the co-founder of the Black Liberation Army's coming memoir.

The Black Liberation Army veteran freed Assata Shakur before becoming a political prisoner.

Former Black Panther Sekou Odinga and Black Lives Matter activist Larry Fellows may come from different Black liberation movements, but both understand that to truly celebrate Black History Month, we must dig deeper.

Activist Larry Fellows and former Black Panther member Sekou Odinga discuss revolution music and how deeply woven art is in the tapestry of resistance.


A Black Panther who spent the past 30 years behind bars for his role in the deadly Brinks armored car robbery and for trying to kill six police officers during a Queens shootout was paroled Tuesday from an upstate New York prison, DNAinfo reports. SEE ALSO: Darren Wilson: Michael Brown Looked Like ‘A Demon’ The man, […]