
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.


Seventy years after Brown v. Board of Education legally integrated schools, voucher programs are yet another clever tool whose forces are intent on maintaining segregation to dismantle public schools.

Education Sec. DeVos empowers states to decide which schools receive student vouchers.

Professor Christopher Emdin explains both sides of this hot-button issue.

Here’s a primer on the basic elements of school choice.

Dozens of Black pastors in Florida are urging the state NAACP to drop a lawsuit that seeks to end a school voucher program. This is a rare example of disharmony.

Ohio public school students outscored private school voucher students. Shocked, school choice advocates try to see the glass half full.

ATLANTA— More states than ever before have considered school vouchers this year, driven by resurgent Republicans who see the lagging economy as an opportunity for a fresh push on one of their most contentious education policies. As of mid-July, at least 30 states had introduced bills that would use taxpayer dollars to send children to […]