The presidential hopeful reached a new level of delusion.

It's important to put the Capitol riots in their proper historical perspective.

Donald Trump has long called Black prosecutors like Letitia James racist without providing a sliver of evidence to support his claims -- just like white supremacy has always operated.

NuBrit’tany and Tasha Smith say Oregon "police didn't give a damn."


Charles Allen Barnes is mad he's getting death threats after allegedly vowing to "kill me a n*gger."

Video footage from a South Dakota Denny's shows two Black men having cops called on them after a white waitress refused to serve them and kicked out of the restaurant: “They’re serving everybody else.”

A Karen video shows an angry white woman berating a Black postal employee and telling her, "You're not equal."

A white couple in a Las Vegas casino is shown on a viral video attacking a nonviolent Black man with racial slurs and other hateful speech. Where's a folding chair when you need one?

The Northwestern scandal spotlights similar allegations against other football coaches.

Kenneth Pilon's death threats targeted BLM supporters.