
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

A day before voters head to polls in pivotal Super Tuesday primary races in certain states around the nation, Republican candidates continued to pummel each other in an effort to win votes.

Trump endured repeated attacks from one-time presumed front-runner Jeb Bush and other competitors as they joined in opposition to his call to ban Muslims from the United States. The debate came in the aftermath of terror attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Paris.

New poll numbers that show Texas Sen. and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz ahead of Donald Trump in the important primary state of Iowa has sparked a war of words between the men on social and mainstream media.

"11 Million Stories: The Truth of Mass Deportation," an online video released Thursday tells a powerful story of what would happen if Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump's mass deportation plan becomes law.

Embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel stood before city leaders and issued a heartfelt apology for the police shooting of Laquan McDonald on Wednesday as calls for him to resign intensified.

It was the president's toughest talk yet about the threat of terrorism in America.

Carson was sailing so high in the polls that he thought he could be like Trump and say anything and continue to rise.

Protesters say the firing of Garry McCarthy does not go far enough to address corruption in the city.

In recent days, the real estate mogul has endorsed his supporters' attack of a Black activist at a rally in Birmingham, Ala., and tweeted a neo-Nazi graphic of murder statistics that is patently racist and inaccurate.

Amid resistance from over half of the nation's governors, President Barack Obama on Wednesday pledged to provide refuge to at least 10,000 refugees fleeing violence in Syria over the next year, he said in a tweet. But they must first pass the highest security checks.