While we often have a lot of positive things to say about mothers, the Bible also has good words on the influential role of a mother.


The one-year anniversary of the Buffalo mass shooting falls on Mother’s Day, so we are both honoring and mourning Black matriarchs. Helping servant leaders heal from trauma helps the entire community move forward.

Good News

Serena Williams has teamed up with The Mom Project to connect mothers with career opportunities.


Distance has made visiting mothers in prison more difficult, particularly around the holidays.

Cross Post Now, Nation, Police Brutality

Large crowds joined mothers from all walks of life Saturday afternoon to participate in Washington DC’s “Million Moms March” — a gathering to call for an end to police brutality by those who lost children and loved ones at the hands of law enforcement. According to the Huffington Post, the march was led by the […]

You may not know Toya Graham’s name, but you might remember her pulling her son out of the Baltimore riots on Monday. The proud mother of six talked to reporters on Tuesday about the viral moment. While everyone applauded Graham by naming her “Mother of the Year,” Graham says she didn’t want her only son […]


Getting disciplined in front of your friends is embarrassing enough. Getting disciplined in front of the whole world? Well, that’s another story completely. But that’s exactly what happened to a teenager in Baltimore who was confronted by someone who appears to be his mother after he was caught in the streets during Monday’s unrest in […]

A Detroit mother of four was arrested on Tuesday after police found two of her children frozen to death in their apartment building’s deep freezer. The 36-year-old mother was taken into police custody after a bailiff arrived at her home to issue an eviction notice. She also confessed to killing her children, but didn’t explain […]

NEW YORK — Tracy Lawrence, an inmate at Rikers island beamed in her cap and gown, after graduating from the facility’s parenting course, alongside her three kids and 11 other female prisoners. Lawrence, 30, was sentenced to eight months in prison for gun possession. “When the incident happened, I wasn’t thinking about my kids,” Lawrence […]