The museum -- which is free to the public from April 19-21 -- will take place on Park Avenue during the United Nations General Assembly Meeting on the world drug problem.

"11 Million Stories: The Truth of Mass Deportation," an online video released Thursday tells a powerful story of what would happen if Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump's mass deportation plan becomes law.

Cross Post Now, Nation, Politics

On Sunday theĀ Apollo TheaterĀ in Harlem and WNYC partnered for a second year to present WNYCā€™s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration with ā€œHear Our Voices, Count Our Votes: MLKā€™s March Continues.ā€ Hear portions of itĀ in the video clip above. WNYCā€™s Peabody Award-winning host Brian Lehrer and MSNBCā€™s Melissa Harris-Perry convened a discussion that looks […]

NewsOne Now

Michael Skolnik of Global Grind believes young people’s ideas need to be heard rather than squandered. “We’re not activists. We’re not protestors,” Skolnik said. “We don’t just paint signs. We’re in the middle of mainstream America.” Stay connected onĀ 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in toĀ ā€œNewsOne Nowā€Ā with Roland Martin this fall onĀ TV One!

NewsOne Now, Politics

Michael Skolnik, editor-in-chief of Global Grind, believes that there might be a preconceived notion when it comes to young people and activism. “There are amazing young women and young men who are doing the work,” Skolnik said, “I think that the issue for us on how to embrace their work is to believe in them.” […]

NewsOne Now

It is still unclear of the actions we should take as a country after the Zimmerman verdict. Michael Skolnik of Global Grind believes that serious planning is needed. “We need to look deeply at the root pain of the problems of urban America and come up with a plan,” Skolnik proposed. Stay connected onĀ 2013 CBCF […]

NewsOne Now

Global Grind’s Michael Skolnik has been very vocal about gun violence since the Zimmerman verdict was read. He calls for a prodding of why young people are picking up a gun at all. “There’s a difference between someone picking up a gun, someone pulling the trigger of the gun and shooting at someone,” said Skolnik. […]