
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the white teenager accused of murdering two people and injuring another in Wisconsin at a protest last year stemming from the police shooting of a Black man, has been found not guilty in a high-profile trial that has repeatedly revolved around the topic of race.

What may have seemed like an open-and-shut case has been anything but that as Kyle Rittenhouse's jurors have taken more than 24 hours to deliberate. Legal experts explain how lengthy jury deliberations bode for defendants.

Rejecting the idea that Rittenhouse feared for his life or had to act in self-defense, the prosecution walked through the various reckless decisions taken by the young gunman.  


On Wednesday, Kyle Rittenhouse took the witness stand, and some legal experts all appear to believe his testimony came off as genuine and ultimately worked in his favor. But others believe he appeared to have been coached. Many people believe the crying he did on the stand was fake.


From the prosecution to the defense attorneys to the judge and everyone else involved with Kyle Rittenhouse's murder trial, get familiar with this cast of characters.