
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Personal trainer and fitness expert Kuti Mack has a few tips to help you stay in shape during the winter months.

Cross Post Now, Live Well, NewsOne Now

Fitness expert and nutritionist Kuti Mack joined Roland Martin Monday on “NewsOne Now” for this week’s installment of Fit!Live!Win! to discuss both high and low impact intensity training. According to Mack, you can perform a high impact intensity workout in as little as four minutes. During the segment, a video of Mack performing a high […]

Live Well, NewsOne Now

Fitness Professional/Nutritionist Kuti Mack joined Roland Martin Monday on “NewsOne Now” to share his tips for sticking with your New Year weight loss resolutions. In order to achieve your weight loss goals for the year Mack said, you need to “give yourself the best chance of success” you need to have a plan. One of […]

Live Well, NewsOne Now

Kuti Mack, fitness professional and nutritionist, joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now” to share his 21-day holiday detox and give you a few holiday healthy eating tips. Mack told Martin, “you want to control what you’re eating in the interim. The Holidays present a lot of  challenges because we eat the whole time” at this […]

NewsOne Now

Personal trainer and nutritionist Kuti Mack joined Roland Martin Monday on “NewsOne Now” for this week’s installment of Fit!Live!Win. Mack explained how you can replace expensive, over the counter supplements with natural alternatives. Listen to their conversation below. Be sure to listen to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, weekdays at 7 a.m. EST and watch at 9 a.m. EST on TV One.