
Mayor Quinton Lucas spoke in no uncertain terms.

Five Black women sued police chiefs, detectives and the city government.

The 17-year-old was shot in the head after going to the wrong home.

Amaree’ya Henderson was killed during a traffic stop in Kansas.


Missouri’s stand your ground law removes the duty to retreat anywhere a person may legally be, even beyond one’s “castle."


84-year-old Andrew Lester has been charged with first-degree assault in the shooting of Ralph.

Protesters gathered in Kansas City after 16-year-old Ralph Yarl was shot after he went to the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers.

Black leaders in Kansas City held a vigil for Black women who have gone missing on the watch of the Kansas City Police Department.


Is it that hard for Kansas City police to just admit they might have been wrong about something?


Pastor Carlton Funderburke was shocked his congregation didn't buy him a high-end watch.


Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, who is Black, tweeted screenshots of a text message he got that not only called him the N-word but also said he "should swing from a tree."


Kansas City Congressional candidate exposed as a racist following old social media posts resurfacing from burner accounts.