Good News

The WE Nation Reentry Summit places a spotlight on women and young girls who are impacted or have been involved in the justice system.

Good News

Trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson will release a memoir.

Activists like Martin Luther King III want his death sentence commuted.

Alabama has yet to compensate Anthony Ray Hinton, who spent 30 years on death row for a crime he did not commit.


The new legislation will allow civil rights cold cases that happened prior to 1970 to be reopened.


Attorney General of California Kamala Harris, who became the second Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate, and former Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown are among leaders scheduled to serve in Congress in 2017.


The HuffPost forecast model shows Clinton has a 98.2 percent chance of becoming the nation’s next president and will likely win with 323 electoral votes.

The discovery of racially coded notes taken by prosecutors during jury selection is forcing the Supreme Court to take a second look at this murder trial, The Washington Post reports.

Prosecutors in Louisiana are excluding potential Black jurors three times as often as jurors of another race by using peremptory challenges

Kalief Browder, the 22-year-old who was horrendously abused by police officers on Rikers Island as a teen, was facing new charges shortly before his suicide on Saturday, the New York Daily News reports. Browder’s lawyer calls the charges against Kalief and his brother Kamal, 22, “baseless.” Both brothers were facing disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charges on Wednesday […]

After the public outcry and media attention garnered by way of the tragic shooting case of Trayvon Martin, 17, at the hands of 28-year-old George Zimmerman, much has been made of the formal charges that have been filed by prosecutor Angela Corey against the armed neighborhood watch volunteer. SEE ALSO: Newark Mayor Rescues Woman From […]

The influence of hip-hop on American culture is undeniable, but can hip-hop help curb inner-city crime and build trust among African-Americans and the police? Paul Butler thinks so. Butler is the author of Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice and a professor of law at George Washington University. During this discussion, Butler makes […]