
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

The family of Atatiana Jefferson have made it clear they will not have the forgiveness of the Botham Jean family.

The Fort Worth Police Department was in shameless damage control mode after one of its officers killed Atatiana Jefferson, a Black woman in her own home by shooting his gun through a house window.


More people explain why an independent investigation is needed for the murder of a key witness.

He was killed 10 days after testifying in the Amber Guyger murder trial.

Joshua Brown was killed 10 days after testifying at the Amber Guyger murder trial.

The Dallas Police Department announced it had made an arrest in the murder of Joshua Brown, who they said was conducting a drug deal when he was shot and killed.

Joshua Brown fled to California ahead of the trial.

Joshua Brown was shot and killed on Friday night.