
As the good reverend steps down from his leadership role at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, we commemorate the career of a civil rights icon who has always been able to "keep hope alive."

Rev. Jesse Jackson addressed the discrimination claims against Sesame Place by penning a letter to the CEO in hopes of sparking change.

Race Matters

Rev. Jesse Jackson attended the court proceedings in the trial over Ahmaud Arbery's death days after defense attorney Kevin Gough declared in front of a judge and jury that “We don’t want any more Black pastors here.”

Capitol Police included the 79-year-old Rev. Jesse Jackson among the 20 people it detained and arrested for protesting against the filibuster on Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

State’s Attorney Kim Foxx refused the Chicago police union and white police chiefs' call to resign.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson delivered the eulogy at the funeral service in Birmingham, Alabama of Emantic “EJ” Bradford, Jr.

Farrakhan was on stage with Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

The civil rights leader responded in a video.

Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. reportedly admitted to other possible crimes committed by him and others as well as offered help in a federal investigation while on home detention in 2015.

Trump threatens to send the Feds to Chicago to end the 'carnage' from violence. City officials welcomed the assistance.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson recently called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office. He said issuing the pardon could also help to heal the nation.

Historically Black Colleges are great institutions that have served as safe havens for our favorite actors, singers, and moguls (looking at you, Puff Daddy) where they have received the inspiration and education to dominate the stage, and our hearts. While everyone loves a good story about a celebrity and their HBCU experience, many of America’s politicians […]