
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

With 52% of Atlanta’s population being black, one could assume all the city's growth means black folks in Atlanta should be winning, but sadly they are not.


Corporate welfare is a major factor in income inequality in the U.S.

A new study finds that income inequality has remained unchanged for less-educated working-class Black men for decades. However, high-income Black men with college degrees are narrowing the income gap with their White counterparts.

New national Black poll quantifies the political pulse of the African-American electorate ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Watch Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss Pres. Obama's commencement speech at Howard University in the video clip above.

New research says the gender pay gap makes it harder for women to pay off their student loans. Women of color are the most affected.

A new study says Black students are disproportionately pursuing low-wage college degrees. The economic consequences add to the growing income gap.


On Wednesday, a light dusting of snow caused tons of traffic in D.C., and even President Obama couldn’t escape the chaos.

Cross Post Now, NewsOne Now

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio officially announced his progressive contract with America, in which he detailed a 13-point plan to fight income inequality. Roland Martin, host of NewsOne Now, chided de Blasio for not including a plan for ending the practice of mass incarceration or improving public education. As a result of […]