Rob Smith, who is Black, gay and conservative, left the Republican Party after he said he was called racist and homophobic slurs at a MAGA rally.

Social media users uncovered that Christine Davitt, a senior social media manager for Teen Vogue, used the n-word in three tweets posted from 2009-2010.

Alexi McCammond, an award-winning Black journalist, is at the center of controversy after social media users uncovered homophobic and anti-Asian tweets from 2011.

Facebook posts about Jake Gardner and his venues serve as receipts.


A viral video sparks outrage.

The actor's team is reportedly ready for a fight.

Eddie Johnson blasted the "Empire" actor now he is under investigation.

The city of Chicago appears to still be coming for Jussie Smollett.

The "Empire" actor was accused of staging a hate crime.

The last time AbelĀ andĀ Ola Osundairo were in Lagos, it was shortly after the Jussie Smollett attack.

The actors appears to still be trying to clear his name.

The Chicago Police Department didn't move so fast when it came to a Black teenager killed by one of their own.