
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Republicans practiced addition by deliberately subtracting Candace Owens from the RNC equation as the Republican National Convention ended by snubbing the reviled, anti-Black conspiracy theorist and not allowing her to speak.

Before a social media rebranding, people made fun of the deceased Republican as tweeting from beyond the grave.


The Trump supporter passes away after being hospitalized.

Trump loves to appoints the most unqualified hacks on the planet.

Does Trump have an opportunity to attract voters of color by selecting a running mate of color or a woman? Here are five potential running mates and one wild card

The “Hermanator” is back!  Former pizza magnate and former Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential nomination Hermain Cain (pictured) is at it again, but this time his entrepreneurial spirit has concocted up a business venture. The politico’s subscription-based eponymous online television network allows fans to listen to his voice all day. SEE ALSO: [Watch] Raven-Symoné: ‘I’m an American, I’m not […]


Herman Cain: ‘Stupid People Are Ruining America’ Cain pointed out that only 58% of registered voter actually voted in the last presidential election. “What about the 42% that stay at home?” he asked. He’s not so sure they should be voting in the first place. “I have even heard people say, ‘Well, I don’t vote because […]

The former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain (pictured) is hawking some pretty eye-opening wares these days on his “Cain TV” Internet web network. One of the latest acid-trip e-mails sent out by the pizza mogul’s site is a snake-oil remedy for erectile dysfunction, according to the New York Post. Come again? SEE ALSO: Cornel West: President […]

The one-time GOP presidential contender Herman Cain is about to blow up and not in a good way. It seems that his former side chick Ginger White (pictured) is going the Rielle Hunter route by writing a juicy tell-all about her fling with the conservative pizza meister, reports The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.   SEE ALSO: Donald Trump’s ‘Announcement’ Trumps His […]

Former Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain (pictured) and radio show host has found his way back in to the news after a bold assertion from the former business executive that the NAACP no longer has the same weight and importance it once did as an organization. SEE ALSO: Eddie Griffin Involved In Drink Throwing Fight […]