
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.


"Gemmel & Tim" explores political donor Ed Buck's role in trading drugs for sex with Gemmel Moore, Timothy Dean and other gay Black men.

The criminal trial has begun against Ed Buck, a wealthy and white Democratic donor who had two Black men die from drug overdoses within 18 months at his California home. Buck allegedly supplied drugs in exchange for sex.

Two Black men died in his home within 18 months.

The 64-year-old is a wealthy Democratic donor.

District Attorney Jackie Lacey, who is Black, is a co-defendant in the lawsuit against Ed Buck.

Gemmel Moore and Timothy Dean died in Ed Buck's home within 18 months.

Timothy Dean was found dead in Ed Buck's home on Jan. 7.

Latasha Dixon is fighting for her son Gemmel Moore.

Ed Buck still has not been charged by the district attorney -- who is a Black woman.