
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Black Health 365 explores eating disorders and the lack of visibility of this issue in the Black community with guest Dr. Ebony Butler.

Good News

Sister duo Cornelia and Julia Gibson launched a fitness brand to empower women of color.

Good News

Two women in Washington, D.C. have joined forces for the creation of a digital platform designed to empower Black women long distance runners.

Live Well

Fitness entrepreneurs Jahkeen and Boatswain Washington launched Harlem HIIT as an avenue to make fitness accessible and affordable.

Serena Williams has never been shy about her figure, and she recently reminded us all why.


Quick and easy tips to help you reach your fitness goals in the New Year.

Personal trainer and fitness expert Kuti Mack has a few tips to help you stay in shape during the winter months.

Live Well

Full hips and thick thighs have always been prized in the black community, but that doesn’t stop a woman from looking in the mirror and wishing she had that Beyoncé thigh gap or a little less jiggle. There’s no one exercise that can give you award-winning thighs—for the fifty-leventh time: Spot reducing fat doesn’t work—but […]

Live Well

... The post Regular Biking Linked to Lower Heart Disease Risk appeared first on Black Health Matters.

President Barack Obama has never been shy about his adoration for First Lady Michelle Obama and expressed more of that loving sentiment in an interview with TIME magazine.