
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Personal trainer and fitness expert Kuti Mack has a few tips to help you stay in shape during the winter months.

Even if you’ve never attended a CrossFit class, you’ve probably heard about the intense workout genre whose physical and mental benefits can help you not only achieve but surpass your fitness goals. Amon Hotep, District CrossFit Coach, joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss the benefits of CrossFit training during this week’s installment of Fit!Live!Win! […]

Rule number one - Stay Hydrated. Check out the post for more --->

Richardson's new DVD, entitled "Old School Dance Party," is the "first ever hip-hop dance workout video that featured a full live set by the Sugarhill Gang and a dance party."

Krav Maga, created by the Israeli military in the 1940s, is a self-defense technique that infuses boxing, wrestling, and fighting moves. The unique fighting technique has been modified for police as well as civilian use and is now being used as a workout. Charles Cherry, Co-Owner of Bowie Mixed Martial Arts and an expert in Krav Maga, joined […]

The sedentary habit has been linked to several health ailments, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Ivan Hernandez, doctor of physical therapy and fitness enthusiast, joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss "Sitting Disease," who is being impacted by it, and how a sedentary lifestyle may be shaving years off your life.

Ana Browne, Owner of Anabells Fitness LLC, joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to share how adding kettlebells to your workout can take your exercise routine to the next level.

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BuzzFeed Video's Daysha Edewi (BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff) released a two-minute presentation exploring whiteness and reverse racism. The hilarious video caught the eye of NewsOne Now host and Managing Editor Roland Martin, who exclaimed after seeing it, "We have to talk about that."

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The holiday season is upon us and we all know what that means — lots of parties, enjoying our families, and consuming massive amounts of food. As a result of devouring plates of seasonal treats, many of us pick up a few extra pounds, but that does not mean the sweet potato pie you scarfed […]

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Debra Peek-Haynes spoke with Roland Martin about her new book and shared how holistic nutrition helped her overcome infertility.