
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Cross Post Now, NewsOne Now

On Wednesday, protesters nationwide demanded $15 an hour minimum wage in a movement labeled with the hashtags #BlackWorkMatters and #FightFor15. Recent reports state that the wealth gap is now the widest it’s been in nearly 30 years. On average, CEOs of major corporations make $300 for every dollar the average worker makes. On Thursday, NewsOne Now guest […]

Biz/Media, Cross Post Now

Last week, McDonald’s announced a $1 raise above the minimum wage for some of its U.S. workers, following a similar announcement by Walmart in February – which on the face of it sounds like a good thing. Thing is, the new $8.25 per hour salary only applies to about ten percent of McDonald’s workforce—those who work in […]