Longtime civil rights activist Dr. Benjamin Chavis has this to say about people who complain they’re tired of protest marches: “A lot of people say they’re tired of marching. And most people who say that never did [march]. So I don’t know how you’re going to say you’re tired of marching.” If anyone knows about […]

In the wake of controversy over the Confederate flag in South Carolina, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is calling for the removal of the American flag across the nation, saying Blacks have suffered as much under the U.S. symbol of justice as they did under the rebel flag that symbolizes slavery and indoctrinated racism, […]

In a special edition of “Farrakhan Speaks,” during which he is asked a wide-range of questions from the staff of the Final Call, Minister Louis Farrakhan calls film-maker and humanitarian, Tyler Perry, one of the most brilliant young entrepreneurs of our time, and says that he is grateful to him for bringing ‘Madea’ to the […]