
She says he "intentionally" lied.


Eddie Johnson is back in the media again.

The Rev. Al Sharpton called Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel a hypocrite for criticizing Cook County Attorney Kim Foxx's handling of the Jussie Smollett case.

Police officers will get de-escalation training.

Trump threatens to send the Feds to Chicago to end the 'carnage' from violence. City officials welcomed the assistance.

NewsOne Now, Video Category

A recent Chicago Tribune investigation has documented more than a dozen examples in which officers within the Chicago Police Department have given false testimony, but experienced few, if any, repercussions. As a result of this, police officers have been able to testify in court with little fear of prosecution or discipline. The U.S. Department of Justice is currently conducting […]

During Thursday's edition of NewsOne Now, Alderman Pat Dowell from Chicago's 3rd Ward spoke with Roland Martin about Jackson's selection and Mayor Emanuel bypassing the police board to appoint the veteran police officer as top cop.