
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

On NewsOne Now, celebrity doctor and author Ian Smith shares how added sugars are prominent in processed foods and how to best avoid them.


A good breakfast gets your energy going for the day. Try these healthier options.

Live Well

A few years back, you could always find my workout buddy and I at the Taco Bell across the street after we’d kicked butt in our boot camp class. We’d just worked up a sweat, we rationalized, and surely were due a treat. We knew we were wrong as two left shoes (and so were […]

Live Well

It’s the most common nutritional deficiency in this country Iron is crucial for producing hemoglobin, the protein that aids in oxygen delivery throughout our bodies. Without it, we can develop anemia. Yet lack of iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in this country, especially among women. Are you getting enough iron? Check this list […]

In case you missed it, Beyonce Knowles shared her secret for keeping a flawless body with Good Morning America on Monday morning — a vegan diet. While fans were expecting a new album, single, or even a baby announcement, the infamous BeyHive showed their disappointment about the huge reveal via the internet. But news of Beyonce’s meatless food fare isn’t really […]

Cross Post Now, Live Well, NewsOne Now

New York Times bestselling author Dr. Ian Smith joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to talk about his new The Shred Diet Cookbook and the five things you must have in your kitchen. Dr. Smith’s new cookbook contains over 190 recipes incorporating all regular food. Smith told Martin, “The key is because it says healthy doesn’t mean it can’t […]

NewsOne Now

It’s the beginning of the year, so it’s New Year’s resolution time, and at the top of most people’s lists is to get in shape. Dr. Ian Smith dropped by “NewsOne Now” to discuss his new book, “Super Shred Diet,” to get people in gear for the New Year. SEE ALSO: CHIC EATS: Zucchini & […]

“Food desert” is a term commonly used to describe communities with little or no access to healthy food, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and diary products. Millions of Americans — mostly poor, many African-Americans — live in these areas. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture reports that about 23.5 million Americans currently live […]

WASHINGTON – Obesity puts a drag on the wallet as well as health, especially for women. Doctors have long known that medical bills are higher for the obese, but that’s only a portion of the real-life costs. George Washington University researchers added in things like employee sick days, lost productivity, even the need for extra […]