
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Votes in the Kentucky county where Breonna Taylor was killed spoke volumes.

Daniel Cameron lost the Kentucky governor election as voters rejected the conservative AG blamed for sabotaging justice for Breonna Taylor.

The Black Ballot

Democratic Kentucky attorney general hopeful Pamela Stevenson calls out the current AG.

Lest we forget he also sabotaged justice for Breonna Taylor.

The man who sabotaged justice for Breonna Taylor was set to attend an event organized by a racist.

Breonna Taylor's family believe Attorney General Daniel Jay Cameron should be held accountable for his inaction in her case. 

Trump may have lost the election, but he's gained a loyal legion of notable Black supporters who will seemingly do anything to prove their loyalty to the man they worship blindly. These "Blacks For Trump" are unwavering in their support of all things MAGA.

In this case, Cameron seeks to revive litigation pertaining to a law banning a procedure commonly performed in abortions occurring after 14-weeks. Passed in 2018, the law was previously declared unconstitutional in large part because it is effectively an impermissible pre-viability ban.

Despite defending the no-knock search warrant that led to the police killing of Breonna Taylor, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is leading a Search Warrant Task Force he said he hoped would make the state "a national model for search warrants."

In a very on-brand move, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is trying to overturn the governor's mandate for children to wear masks in schools as the COVID-19 delta variant ravishes the state.