
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

The family of Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman whose cells were unlawfully used to make groundbreaking discoveries in medicine and science, have reached a private settlement deal with the biotech company, Thermo Fisher Scientific. 

Right-wing anti-vaxxers took to Twitter to try - without any proof - to blame Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin's scary injury on his "vaccine status."

The gospel singer recently had some telling words at church.

Unfortunately, some of those COVID-19 conspiracists happen to be stars we love and admire. Here's a list of NBA athletes who have shared their controversial opinions about the COVID-19 vaccine.


The Omicron variant of the coronavirus has hit society like a ton of bricks this winter and HBCUs are no exception. Here's how historically Black colleges and universities are responding.

Public Figures

After being widely mocked for her failed anti-vax interview with Trump, Candace Owens deflected ensuing criticism by fat-shaming Megan McCain for being pro-vaccine and calling her "clinically obese."

Unvaccinated Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving will be rejoining his team after sitting out the season's first 29 games in protest of the NBA's vaccine mandate. At the same time, a strong wave of COVID-19 is taking the country - and professional hoops league - by storm.


Actress Letitia Wright's alleged reluctance to get vaccinated against COVID-19 could lead to her not returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe after she's done filming "Black Panther 2," according to reports.

The announcement that Antonio Brown would be suspended multiple games for violating the NFL's COVID-19 policies drew attention to the decided disparity in punishment for all-pro quarterback Aaron Rodgers' similar transgression.