
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

As testament to the success of the GOP-debated, Supreme Court upheld Affordable Care Act, an analysis published Tuesday reveals that women have saved $1.4 billion on birth control pills since the mandate for insurance companies to cover the contraception went into effect three years ago. The numbers, detailed by Health Affairs and reported by the […]

A major move to broaden birth control options for women in the military is taking shape in both houses of Congress as they move forward to make contraceptives accessible on a larger scale, the New York Times reports. An annual defense policy bill says women should “have access to a sufficient supply” of birth control during […]

A Los Angeles native is speaking out on the dangerous effects of birth control after she suffered a stroke at the age of 26, ABC reports. In an interview with ABC News, Jordan Ward said that in the middle of planning her wedding, she faced symptoms of nausea, blurred vision, and headaches. After her fiancé suggested she see […]